BroadcastAsia is Asia’s must-attend international event for the pro-audio, film, digital media and broadcasting industries alongside CommunicAsia, NXTAsia to form ConnecTechAsia Summit 2018. As this event is themed as “Capture the Future”, it will showcase the latest technologies on UDR/HDR, IP Broadcasting, Live Production, Content Media Security, and OTT and Alternative Content Platform. Get to meet and be connected to over 40,000+ industry players who are creating new horizon and innovating the entertainment and broadcast value chain on June 26-28 at Suntec Singapore. Join us in this event and together we capture the future at BroadcastAsia through a wide surplus of experiential programs, including the high-level ConnectTechAsia Summit, technological showcases and complimentary value-added activities on the venue.
ConnecTechAsia Summit 2018 is the industry’s answer to the converging words of Telecommunications, Broadcasting, and Emerging Technologies. It is the mega event which lets us experience the future. It is an event that lets technology, ideas, and business converge in one place and event. By incorporating CommunicAsia, BroadcastAsia, and the new NXTAsia, this is the only international platform catering the needs of the entire Information and Communications Technology, broadcasting and digital multimedia industry, and enterprises in Asia.